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Shangloucun Formation

Shangloucun Fm


Age Interval: 
Wangcunian (Drumian). (41-42)


Type Locality and Naming

No type section was assigned when the unit was erected. A section, the Lugou section, measured by Yang et al. (1991) was proposed by them as representative section of the formation by Ma (1998). The section is located in the Lugou Gully in Baoluo Township, about 3.5 km north of the junction of Lugou stream and Luohe River, or about 7 km north of the seat of Luonan County, Shangluo City, Shaanxi Province (110°46’02” E, 34°08’26” N). It is the middle portion of the same section shred with underlying Xialoucun Fm and overlying Wangyu Formation In this section, the Shangloucun Formation is 163.3 m thick. The Shangloucun Formation was named by Regional Geological Survey Team of Geological Bureau of Northwest China (1965). The name is derived from Shangloucun Village in Shimen Township, Luonan County, Shangluo City, southeastern Shaanxi Province.

Synonym: (上楼村组); Shangluocun Fm (spelling); Ma (1998, p. 56) regarded the Shangloucun Formation as synonym of the Changhia Fm but this viewpoint is not followed here.

Lithology and Thickness

The Shangloucun Formation is basically a more or less metamorphic carbonate sequence. In the type area, lower part consists of dark grey and bluish grey, medium- to thick-bedded oolitic limestone, intercalated with phyllite. Upper part consists of grey and dark grey medium-bedded limestone, intercalated oolitic limestone. In the representative Luhou section, the formation is divided into 3 lithologic beds, from bottom up: 1, dark grey, megathick-bedded oolite-bearing calcite mylonite (19.5 m thick); 2, grey thick-bedded to massive calcite mylonite (27.9 m);3, bluish grey thick-bedded to massive argillaceous stripe marble, intercalated lithic- and bioclast-bearing calcite marble with lithic dominated by oolxiaite (85.9 m). The limestone or oolitic limestone of Shangloucun Formation in the south half of Luonan County, south to Shimen Town, is different from the Changhia Fm in the area north to Shemin Town because it is more or less metamorphosed. In addition, in the type locality, the lower part of the Shangloucun Formation contains interbeds of phyllite, and at Lugou, southwestern Luonan, the formation is even more different in the domination of marble and mylonite.

Lithology Pattern: 
Oolitic limestone

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

The Shangloucun Fm is in conformable contact with the underlying Xialoucun Fm. The formation is stable in lithology with both lower and upper boundaries are defined by lithological changes. The lower boundary is marked by lithological change from the phyllite of the Xialoucun Fm to the limestone of the Shangloucun Fm.

Upper contact

The Shangloucun Fm is in conformable contact with the overlying Wangyu Fm. The formation is stable in lithology with both lower and upper boundaries are defined by lithological changes. The upper boundary is marked by lithological change from the limestone to dolomite or dolomitic marble of the Wangyu Fm.

Regional extent

The Shangloucun Formation is exposed in the Kunlun-Qinling Region, restricted to the northern Shangluo City, southeastern Shaanxi Province (south half of Luonan County and Shangzhou District). The thickness of the formation ranges from 60 to 650 m.




The lower part of the formation in the type locality yields trilobite Fuchouia chiai and brachiopod Obolus sp. In the Lugou section, southwestern Luonan County, the upper part of the Bed3 yields trilobites Hejingaspis luoheensis, Inouyia sp., Liopeishania convexa, and Plebiellus lugouensis; trace fossils Arthrophycus sp., and Helicoichnus? sp., and unidentified algae.


Wangcunian = Drumian

Age Span: 

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Depositional setting

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Additional Information


Peng Shanchi